Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Lower Ranks of ISIL: Terrorized into Committing Terrorism

            On a global level, most people think ISIL members are heartless extremists.  Whoever views the brutal videos disseminated by ISIL can feel the chill of their greedy zeal to spread their hatred and twisted rendition of Islam.  Christians are beheaded without mercy, and suicide bombers claim martyrdom tainted with hubris.
            Jihadists are perceived by the West similarly to how the Middle East views American soldiers who were deployed in the Iraq War:  Ruthless invaders, heartlessly killing civilians, forcing their model of government on foreign nations; dying for their country - rather than their god.  In numerous videos, American soldiers reunite with their tearfully happy families.  ISIL members, specifically at the lower ranks, are much the same way.  They just want to be with their families, too.
            What!  No.  Just NO!  How do you want to be with your family if you’d rather die for your god!  What kind of family man beheads people for being Christian?
            This reaction is common and understandable given the information that the media presents daily.  In June alone, there were three traumatic executions.  ISIL drowned five men in a cage by lowering it into a swimming pool.  Another group was trapped in a car and shot with a grenade launcher.  ISIL watched them burn alive in the vehicle.  Prisoners were chained together with explosives around their necks.  There was no escape from the watery suffocation, the fiery chokeholds of those chains, or the ignited gas tank.  ISIL photographed and videotaped their fatal exploits, all for global recognition of their ability to be cruel.  There was even a time when ISIL ran over a man with a tank!
            What kind of sick monster would commit these atrocities?  Is it safe to assume they don’t have consciences?  If there is any good in them, why would they commit these brutal acts?  One answer is that ISIL members are terrorized into terrorizing others.  They act out of obedience to their superiors who are the real psychopaths.  The underlings are just docile followers comparable to the participants in Stanley Milgram’s experiment.  The study was originally done to explain the behavior of the Nazi soldiers.  I believe it could also apply to ISIL.
            Here is a short synopsis of Milgram’s Obedience Study in the early 1960s.  A man dressed as a scientist ordered participants to administer electric shocks to a test taker for each incorrect answer.  The more questions the test taker got wrong, the man in the lab coat would direct the person to increase the voltage and administer another electric shock.  Although the test taker was in a separate room, he could be heard protesting and screaming in pain.  The scientist would reinforce his commands to anyone who questioned him.  The machine was not real, and there were no actual shocks.  Even under the deception of authenticity, the results showed that the majority of subjects were submissive to the man in the lab coat. 
Now imagine that man in the lab coat pointing a Kalashnikov at your head.
That is ISIL.

            ISIL will execute anyone who denounces them, refuses to join them, or even over ridiculous things like performing magic tricks.  Reports of Christians being beheaded went viral, while the deaths of Yazidis and Alawites were not as widely broadcasted.  While researching the different religious minorities in last year’s genocide in Mosul, I was surprised to find that Sunnis were among the fallen.
            Last year, 24 Sunnis were executed by ISIL within a three month period.  Two were Imams; one denounced ISIL, and the other refused to join.  Including the latter Imam, 20 Sunni Muslims were executed just for refusing to swear allegiance to ISIL.  Three Sunni women were killed for refusing to provide medical care to ISIL.
One female doctor who was executed showed audacity by organizing a protest against women being forced to wear religious facial veils while treating patients.  Two more Muslim women were executed, and their crime is unknown. 
Other “crimes” worthy of the death penalty included any form of adultery, which by our standards is probably not very adulterous at all.  The other capitol crime was practicing “witchcraft,” which sounds closer to holistic medicine.  According to Al-Jazeera, two married couples were beheaded for practicing "medicine for magic."  More ridiculously, it has been alleged that ISIL sees performing magic tricks common at American children’s birthday parties as black magic and a defiance of God’s power. 

            Even people who initially pledge loyalty to ISIL can be killed if they try to leave the organization.  A notorious case was the death of Samra Kesinovic, aged 17.  She was considered the ideal ISIL recruit from Europe, displayed in pictures with armed men.  She and her comrade, Sabina Selimovic, aged 15, were children of Bosnian refugees settled in Vienna.  Together they traveled to Turkey and then to Syria, where they may have married jihadists at that point.  Austrian authorities blame Abu Tejda, a Muslim preacher, for recruiting the girls into ISIL, which he denies. 
Sabina allegedly died in a battle against Syrian rebels.  According to an unnamed Tunisian woman who lived with them, Samra “disappeared.”  It was later reported that Samra became irritated with the Islamic State, and made a phone call home.  Escaping a 13,000 square mile territory is not an easy feat.  When Samra attempted to leave Raqqa, Syria, she was beaten to death.
            In her murders’ eyes, they probably saw her leaving Islamic State as equivalent to leaving Islam, apostasy.  A more practical motive would be that she possessed too much information about IS, their members, their territory, and other knowledge that intelligence agencies would find very valuable.  However, if the latter were the case, they could have just imprisoned her.
            Why would any nice girl want to leave an Austrian utopia for a wasteland full of terrorists?  The media repeatedly says that young women and girls are attracted to Islamic State for the romance and adventure.  I don’t think it’s that simple of a mindset.  In my opinion, you have to hate your culture badly enough to join the enemy.  Still, there is no way to ascertain Samra and Sabina’s true motives.  Their testimony is lost to death.

            Regarding the reasons for joining ISIL, I found an article by Lydia Wilson to be particularly eye opening.  Inclusive to a team, Wilson interviewed six captured ISIL members on death row.  Most of them were illiterate.  They couldn’t read their own holy book!  They had little knowledge of Islam or Sharia Law.  Religious training is no longer a requirement in ISIL.  Most recruits do not hold the extremist views that ISIL’s higher ranks have.  Instead, they tend to have their own personal perspective on Islam.  All the ISIL inmates had one primary drive in common, they hated America. 
That’s no surprise, but it’s hard to tell who hates who more, ISIL or America?  Take a closer look at how these people became resentful toward the United States.
            These ISIL detainees and their generation grew up during the US occupation in Iraq.  With Saddam gone, they were ruled by the harsh sectarian Shia government; hence Shiites have been targeted by Sunni terrorist organizations.  Civil war surrounded these detainees in their early years.  They had no youth; no going out and having fun, no girlfriends.  They lacked father figures at crucial points in their lives.  An ingrained sense of hatred toward their government and the United States developed over time.
            By joining ISIL, they had a means to regain their dignity as Sunni Muslims outside the shadow of the Shia government.  ISIL gave them a sense of identity and solidarity.  They attained a feeling of belongingness that they lacked in their war-torn environment.
            So how does burning people alive in a car give you solidarity?  You might ask that.  The answer is that all the mushy little virtues advertised as promises are the bait.  Financial incentives are also bait.  The catch is the constant threat of consequences.  It makes the “solidarity” less promising.  There is a sense of belongingness that a hostage would feel.  The hostage is forced to commit surreal acts of violence. 
            The main inmate interviewed was no exception.

            Wilson’s article focused on the ISIL inmate who was literate with the highest education; he had finished sixth grade.  He was from the town of Kirkuk.  Between his father’s two wives, he was the oldest of 17 siblings.  As a grown man of 26 years, he had a wife, a son, and a daughter.  If he could spend any free time, it would be with his wife and children.  He prioritized his family over everything else, including ISIL. 
            He used to have a working class job, but he was fired after sustaining a back injury.  Without income, he was in despair, since the chances are, he was the sole provider for his family.  His back injury made him less employable, so he had fewer options.  A friend, who was also his distant relative, approached him with a job opportunity with ISIL.  He could then financially support his family. 
            While operating in ISIL, he was a bomb maker.  One of his explosives was for a moped, but he specialized in car bombs.  Four of his car bombs were set off in his own hometown, Kirkuk.  The bloodied money he was paid went to his beloved family. 

The interviewed inmate expressed that ISIL controlled him with fear.  They terrorized him to terrorize others.  Their chain of command is linked with threats.  The higher ranks of ISIL manipulate their underlings like puppets and, in the fatal sense, quickly cut off all ties when anything goes awry. 
There was no defying ISIL.  Last September, 27 ISIL members were electrocuted for being suspected of conspiracy.  It’s a grimmer version of the Milgram experiment, where the participant receives a shock for not shocking someone else.  A more accurate level of morbidity would be that the participant will be killed for not killing someone else. 
ISIL does not care about its own members at all.  If an ISIL jihadist is critically wounded, they leave him for dead.  So much for solidarity!  They expect him to be happy because he is closer to paradise.  Death equates to salvation.
            Despite compelling incentives of unity, monetary gain, and a possible mate, everything after membership leads to death.  Death comes if they refuse to join.  Death comes if they try to leave.  Death comes if they disobey.  Death comes in battle, and no one will save them.  Death comes if they are captured.
            At the moment of apprehension, the interviewed ISIL member immediately surrendered, collapsing to the floor.  He wrote a five page confession.  The death penalty awaited him.  All he wanted was to be with his family.  Soon, he wouldn’t even have that.

©2015 Caroline Friehs

Originally posted:  December 22, 2015

Last updated upon blog renovation completion.


Associated Press (2015 Jun 24).  Footage shows ISIS slowly drowning prisoners in a cage. (18+).  [Feat. Graphic video].  Georgian Journal.  Retrieved from:  http://www.georgianjournal.ge/world/30804-graphic-video--footage-shows-isis-slowly-drowning-prisoners-in-a-cage-18.html

Associated Press (2015 Jun 30).  ISIL ‘beheads women for the first time in Syria.’  Al-Jazeera.  Retrieved from:  http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2015/06/isil-beheads-women-time-syria-150630073923072.html

CNN Library (2014 Sept. 6).  Fast Facts.  CNN World.  Retrieved from:  http://www.cnn.com/2014/08/08/world/isis-fast-facts/

Mukhopadhyay, S (2015 Sept 8).  ISIS Militants Electrocute 27 Fellow Extremists Accused of Conspiracy.  International Business Times.  Retrieved from:  http://www.ibtimes.com/isis-militants-electrocute-27-fellow-extremists-accused-conspiracy-2086529

Obeidallah, D (2014 Oct. 7).  ISIS’s Gruesome Muslim Death Toll.  The Daily Beast.  Retrieved from:  http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/10/07/isis-s-gruesome-muslim-death-toll.html

(Note:  I chose this resource for the information, and intentionally did not watch the view, because ISIL does not deserve my viewing!)

Santrock, J. W (2000).  Psychology – Sixth Edition.  Publisher:  The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.  [p. 563-564].

Sehmer, A (2015 Nov 25).  Isis teen ‘poster girl’ Samra Kesinovic ‘beaten to death’ as she tried to flee the group.  Independent.  Retrieved from:  http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/isis-teenage-poster-girl-samra-kesinovic-beaten-to-death-by-group-as-she-tried-to-flee-killings-a6747801.html

Shaheen, K (2015 Jun 30).  Isis militants behead two Syrian women for witchcraft.  The Guardian.  Retrieved from:  https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jun/30/isis-militants-behead-syrian-women-witchcraft

Stout, M. PhD (2005).  The Sociopath Next Door.  Publisher:  MJF Books.  Fine Communications.  322 Eighth Avenue, New York, NY  10001.  [p. 60-65].

Wilson, L (2015 Oct. 21).  What I Discovered From Interviewing Imprisoned ISIS Fighters.  The Nation.  Retrieved from:  http://www.thenation.com/article/what-i-discovered-from-interviewing-isis-prisoners/

Wing, N. & Kolodny, C (2014 Aug. 11).  15 Shocking Numbers That Will Make You Pay Attention To What ISIS Is Doing In Iraq.  The World Post.  Retrieved from:  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/08/11/isis-iraq-numbers_n_5659239.html