Sunday, October 4, 2015

My Book: Bullying is Russian Roulette with the Student Body - Examining the Precursors to Five School Shootings in America

            This is my book on school shootings in the United States.  Within the pages, I examined five major school based massacres, using the historical approach to research.  This book is focused on what drives a person to commit a school shooting.  By delving into the minds of seven shooters, I discovered which of the eight precursors had the most negative impact on school shooters.  Bullying is only one of them. 

            The following are the summary of my book and the link to purchase it.

Title:   Bullying is Russian Roulette with the Student Body 
Subtitle:  Examining the Precursors to Five School Shootings in America

School shootings are a growing problem, and the United States alone has experienced a steep increase in school shooting incidents in the past three decades.  This book offers an analysis of five major school shootings in an attempt to indicate which precursor is the deadliest.  The precursors include Bullying, Ostracism, Abusive Faculty, Bystander Maltreatment, Family Issues, Mental Illness, Unhealthy Societal Norms, and Pop Culture.  This study, which originated as a class project, focuses on the mindset of each perpetrator and how they developed in life prior to their heinous crimes.

            This originally started as my final project for Research Methods and Analysis class during my Masters program at Saint Joseph’s University.  My professor encouraged me to have it published.  Last year, I presented my project at the annual conference for the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS).  After four years of hard work, it is published and available for download on Amazon; released September 30, 2015.

            The next day was the day of the Umpqua Community College shooting.  School shootings and mass murders are becoming too common.  Chris Harper Mercer, Elliot Rodgers, Jared Padgett, Adam Lanza, Cho Seung Hui – names of gunmen keep getting added to history, and the list of victims gets longer each year.
            The recent Umpqua massacre was the 295th mass shooting in the United States for 2015.  The listing from Mass Shooting Tracker includes all incidents (in any environment) with their death tolls and number of wounded people.  Before Umpqua’s tragedy, there were twelve mass murders involving at least five deaths.  This listing accounted for all types of mass shootings, not just schools.  According to the FBI’s report, 29% of active shooter events between the years 2000-2012 took place at a school. 

            In my book, I wanted to add in the Isla Vista and Reynolds High School shootings plus a few more incidents, however as time goes on, more nationalized shootings occur that could be included in the book.  Even on the day I presented my project for research class, there was a school shooting in Brazil.  These tragedies are happening frequently enough that it is difficult to keep up with writing chapters on them.  In the future I may have a second edition to this book with more incidents included.  Ultimately, I hope my book helps people see how the mindset of a killer develops over time, and how to prevent future incidents.

©2015 Caroline Friehs

Originally posted:  October 4, 2015


Barrionuevo, A (2011 Apr. 7).  Gunman Opens Fire at School in Brazil, Killing 12 Children.  New York Times.  Retrieved from:

FBI (2014 Jan. 7).  Active Shooter Events from 2000 to 2012.  Retrieved from:

Ford, D & Payne, E (2015 Oct. 2).  Oregon shooting:  Gunman dead about college rampage.  Retrieved from:

Friehs, C (2015).  Bullying is Russian Roulette with the Student Body – Examining the Precursors to Five School Shootings in America.  Amazon KDP.  Release date:  September 30, 2015.

Mass Shooting (2015 Oct. 2).  Mass Shootings in 2015.  [Website].  Retrieved from:

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