Saturday, November 7, 2015

Two Quizzes: School Shooters and the Victims

Here are two quizzes on school shooting facts.  The first tests your knowledge of the shooters and the second tests your knowledge of their victims.  Both quizzes cover five incidents.  They are 28 questions each, so it’s good to take these quizzes when you have enough time.  Grab a pencil and paper.  The answers are toward the bottom.  I hope you enjoy these tests.  

Quiz 1:  School Shooters

Match the perpetrator(s) to the incident.
  1. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold                       a.  Red Lake Massacre
  2. Cho Seung Hui                                               b.  Sandy Hook Shooting
  3. Adam Lanza                                                   c.  Columbine Massacre
  4. Jeffrey Weise                                                  d.  Westside Middle School Shooting
  5. Andrew Golden and Mitchell Johnson           e.  Virginia Tech Massacre

6.  What did Eric and Dylan wear on the date of their attack?
a.       Black trench coats
b.      South Park T-shirts
c.       Black leather jackets
d.      Camouflage clothing

7.  Where did Eric and Dylan prey on students?
a.       Library
b.      Locker rooms
c.       Library, Cafeteria, and outside
d.      Chemistry lab, Library, Gym

8.  What did Eric and Dylan draw in their diaries?
a.       Eric – Eyes, Dylan – Dismembered hands
b.      Eric – Spades, Dylan – Clubs
c.       Eric – Hearts, Dylan – Swastikas
d.      Eric – Swastikas, Dylan – Hearts

9.  Which video game did Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold like playing?
a.       Mortal Kombat
b.      Counter Strike
c.       Doom
d.      Street Fighter

10.  Which was Eric Harris’s least favorite genre of music?
a.       Industrial
b.      Pop
c.       Boy Bands
d.      Country

11.  Which is true about Cho Seung Hui?
a.       He was prone to boisterous outbursts.
b.      He was quiet and hardly talked.
c.       He dressed goth starting in 8th grade.
d.      He hated women.

12.  What was the name of Cho’s imaginary girlfriend?
a.       Shelly
b.      Kelly
c.       Jelly
d.      Belly-Button

13.  Which song did Cho play repeatedly and wrote the lyrics on his dorm wall?
a.       Beautiful People – Marilyn Manson
b.      Bullet with Butterfly Wings – Smashing Pumpkins
c.       Black Hole Sun – Soundgarden
d.      Shine – Collective Soul

14.  What group of people did Cho Seung Hui despise?
a.       Rich people
b.      White people
c.       Jewish people
d.      None of the above

15.  Which plays did Cho write for class?
a.       Richard McBeef and Mr. Brownstone
b.      Richard MacBeth and Mr. Gravestone
c.       Rich Ditch and Die Piggy Die
d.      Hamlet’s Revenge and Suicide Aim

16.  Which is NOT true about Adam Lanza?
a.       He had a collection of violent video games.
b.      His mother taught him to shoot.
c.       He melted his hard drive before his rampage.
d.      He lived in a mobile home with his father.

17.  Adam Lanza suffered from
a.  Narcissistic Personality Disorder
b.  Sensory Integration Disorder
c.  Manic Depression
d.  Hypomania

18.  The extracurricular activity Lanza was involved in was
a.       Tech Club
b.      Art Club
c.       Theater Club
d.      Lanza had no extracurricular activities.

19.  Lanza entered the school by
a.       Walking through the cafeteria doors.
b.      Breaking through a window.
c.       Taking a hostage who let him in.
d.      Going through the front doors of the school.

20.  Who did Lanza NOT murder?
a.       His mother
b.      His brother
c.       The principal
d.      Himself

21.  Jeffrey Weise was
a.       White
b.      Hispanic
c.       Asian
d.      Native American

22.  Weise suffered from
a.       Depression
b.      Bipolar
c.       Schizophrenia
d.      No mental health issues

23.  Weise considered himself a
a.  KKK member
b.  Neo Nazi
c.  Scientologist
d.  Communist

24.  What did Weise like to draw?
a.  Skulls
b.  Dead animals
c.  Pink ponies
d.  Nothing.  He hated drawing.

25.  Which gang did Mitchell Johnson claim himself to be a part of?
a.       Bloods
b.      Crips
c.       Kings
d.      None of the above

26.  Where did Golden and Johnson prey on their classmates?
a.       They walked inside the gym and started shooting.
b.      They pulled out their guns during recess and shot.
c.       They entered the cafeteria and opened fire.
d.      They staged a fire drill and shot students on the blacktop from 100 yards away.

27.  What happened after Johnson and Golden committed their crimes?
a.       They committed suicide.
b.      They hid as fugitives until they were apprehended in August 1999.
c.       They were arrested, brought to trial, incarcerated, and they are still alive today.
d.      They were both incarcerated but they committed suicide in prison.

28.  Which picture of Andrew Golden was on the cover of TIME magazine in 1998?
a.       A glaring picture of him the day before the incident.
b.      A picture of him in handcuffs being escorted to court.
c.       A baby picture of him in camouflage with his first BB gun.
d.      A picture of him shooting an animal and smiling.

Quiz 2:  School Shooting Victims

Match the person to the incident.
  1. Jarrett Lane                                                     a.  Columbine Massacre
  2. James Mattioli                                                 b.  Virginia Tech Massacre
  3. Kelly Fleming                                                 c.  Sandy Hook Shooting
  4. Thurlene Stillday                                             d.  Westside Middle School Shooting
  5. Britthney Varner                                             e.  Red Lake High School Massacre

6.  Which victim was not a faculty member who died protecting student(s)?
a.       Grace McDonnell
b.      Liviu Librescu
c.       Anne Marie Murphy
d.      Dawn Hochsprung

7.  How many of the Columbine victims were athletes or involved in sports?
a.       3
b.      7
c.       11
d.      13

8.  Dave Sanders was
a.       A student at Virginia Tech, majoring in international studies.
b.      The only male victim of the Westside Middle School Ambush.
c.       A teacher at Columbine High School who coached the girls’ softball and basketball teams.
d.      The father of a child killed at Sandy Hook.

9.  Which death replays in Mitchell Johnson’s head on repeat?
a.       Natalie Brooks
b.      Stephanie Johnson
c.       Shannon Wright
d.      Candace Porter

10.  In which state was Erin Peterson born?
a.       Minnesota
b.      Colorado
c.       Virginia
d.      Connecticut

11.  ___________ pointed out loopholes in the Brady Bill two weeks before he died in the Columbine Massacre.
a.       Isaiah Shoels
b.      Daniel Mauser
c.       John Tomlin
d.      Steven Curnow

12.  Who blocked a doorway and allowed six students to escape through the windows?
a.       Henry J. Lee
b.      Matthew LaPorte
c.       Nicole White
d.      Liviu Librescu

13.  How did Daniel Lee Rohrbough’s parents first learn of his death?
a.       A school official told them over the phone.
b.      A police officer told them at their front door.
c.       The parents were watching the news, and saw their child dead on the television screen.
d.      The parents showed up at the school and saw their child lying dead in front of them.

14.  Which student was taunted with racist slurs before and after he was shot?
a.       Waleed Mohamed Shaalan
b.      Ryan Clark
c.       Derrick Brun
d.      Isaiah Shoels

15.  All but one of the Westside shooting victims was female.  Why?
a.       Because the perpetrators were sexist.  They hated girls.
b.      Because the first class that walked out happened to be the choir class, which is all female.
c.       They could not tell the gender of their victims from 100 yards away.
d.      It was an all girls school.

16.  Which student did Shannon Wright save?
a.       Jennifer Jacobs
b.      Emma Pittman
c.       Brittney Lambie
d.      Jenna Brooks

17.  Which student attempted to stab a school shooter with a pencil?
a.  Jeffrey May
b.  Noah Pozner
c.  Isaiah Shoels
d.  Valeen Schnurr

18.  Which faculty member lied to Adam Lanza and saved a closet full of children?
a.       Victoria Leigh Soto
b.      Lucinda Roy
c.       Neva Rogers
d.      Dawn Hochsprung

19.  Which of the following is true about Rachael Scott?
a.       She was the first victim of the Columbine Massacre.
b.      She loved theater and starred in multiple plays.
c.       Right before she was killed, she drew a picture of a rose and two eyes crying 13 tears.
d.      All of the above is true.
e.       Only A and B are true.

20.  Where did Neva Rogers teach, and which class?
a.       Columbine High School, History
b.      Red Lake High School, English
c.       Virginia Tech, French
d.      Virginia Tech, Poetry

21.  Alicia White was the oldest of ______ children.
a.       3
b.      4
c.       5
d.      6

22.  Which Westside shooting survivor approached Mitchell Johnson’s younger brother, Monte, giving him a hug and saying she would be his friend?
a.       Emma Pittman
b.      Jennifer Jacobs
c.       Candace Porter
d.      Stephanie Johnson

23.  Charlotte Bacon’s mom let her wear her favorite outfit on the fatal day.  What was she wearing?
a.  Purple skirt and lavender blouse
b.  Pink dress and pink boots
c.  Rhinestone jeans and sparkly pink top
d.  White dress with red roses

24.  Which Sandy Hook victim had bright red hair?
a.  Catherine Violet Hubbard
b.  Chase Kowalski
c.  Olivia Rose Engel
d.  Lauren Townsend

25.  Emilie Parker’s last conversation with her father was in
a.       Spanish
b.      Italian
c.       Latin
d.      Portuguese

26.  Which victim was a Holocaust survivor?
a.       Daryl Lussier
b.      Christopher James Bishop
c.       Emily Jane Hilscher
d.      Liviu Librescu

27.  How many of Daniel Patrick O’Neil’s songs were on his website?
a.       10
b.      15
c.       25
d.      30

28.  Maxine Shelley Turner’s favorite video game was
a.       Mario Bros.
b.      Sonic the Hedgehog
c.       Tetris
d.      Zelda

End of Both Quizzes

            There are no quiz questions beyond this point.  The answers are below, just click on the pictures to enlarge.  When I made these tests, I wanted them to cover enough information, but not be too long.  The victims quiz was harder to create, and I had to reduce it from 42 questions!  With so much material, it was difficult to cut out questions, because there were so many interesting facts and I wanted to acknowledge as many victims as I could.  Writing the shooters quiz was easy, probably because I studied them so extensively.
            Here are the answers to each quiz.

 Quiz 1

Quiz 2

What was the point of these quizzes?

On which quiz did you score higher?  While taking the victims fact quiz, you may have thought some of the questions were ridiculous and trivial, but the point is that you probably know more about the school shooters than you do about the innocent people who died.  The killers are hated, but they go down in history, while most victims’ names are just a blurb in an archived newspaper. 

How come do you know what the shooters were wearing but you don’t know what Charlotte Bacon wore on the day she died?  Why do you know Eric Harris’s favorite video game but you don’t know Maxine Turner’s favorite video game?  Why do you care what music Cho Seung Hui listened to, but you don’t know about the music Daniel O’Neil created?  We focus on killers’ drawings of skulls and demons, but how many people are aware of the rose and the tears? 

It’s easy to say that no one cares about these details, but why do we want to know everything about the killers?  There is a need to collect facts and analyze these criminals in order to prevent future incidents, just as it’s important for entomologists to study poisonous spiders.  Though, I believe the victims should be remembered as well, in more depth than just knowing their names – how many do you remember?  They were once the main characters in their own lives, not just extras and walk-ons in the fatal day of the killers’ lives. 

©2015 Caroline Friehs

Originally posted:  November 7, 2015


Associated Press (2005 Mar 22).  Victims of the Red Lake shooting.  Minnesota Public Radio.  Retrieved from:

Associated Press (2012 Dec. 15).  Teacher from Stratford shielded students.  Retrieved from:

Carter, C. J (2012 Dec. 17).  Shooting Victim’s Dad:  This world is a better place because she has been in it.  Retrieved from:

Friehs, C (2015).  Bullying is Russian Roulette with the Student Body – Examining the Precursors to Five School Shootings in America.  Publication:  September 30, 2015; Amazon KDP.  Available from:*Version*=1&*entries*=0

Heuristic (2015).  Gallery:  26 victims of mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.  The Windsor Star.  Retrieved from:

Labi, N (1998, April 6).  The Hunter And The Choirboy.  Time Magazine, Retrieved from:,9171,988083,00.html

Shepard, C. (1999, April 21).  4-20:  A Columbine Site.  Retrieved from

Stone, P (2010 Sep. 11).  Survivors And Victims Of The March 1998 West Side Middle School, Jonesboro, Arkansas Shootings – Events Before, During, And The YEA.  CMM – Crime, Mystery, & Mayhem.  Retrieved from:

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (2007)  Virginia Tech  We Remember.  [Webpage].  Retrieved from:

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